Make the most out of your money.

The 1%'s tax and investing strategies for your family

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Why Steward

Optimized investment
and  tax strategy

Understand your investments.

Build a  holistic investment strategy tailored to you.

Surface new ideas to reduce your taxes.

Protect your wealth.

Time and energy back with a personal CFO

A trusted and objective thought partner with deep expertise to help you navigate financial  decisions and blind spots.

The  research and numbers run for you.

Free up your precious time and lighten your mental load.

Confidence you're on track

A structured  system to manage your finances in a smarter and simpler way.

A prioritized action plan, with a jargon-free "why" behind each recommendation.

Track your progress towards financial independence.

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Are we a good mutual fit?

You're great at earning and saving, but you lack the time / talent / energy to make the most of your money.

 You're a "first-gen" high earner. You didn't get to learn about personal finance strategies from parents or in school.

You want to optimize your investments and taxes but feel analysis paralysis. You're thinking through questions like: am I on track? will I have enough to take care of my family? when will i have the option to not work for money?

You're looking for a dedicated and reliable third party expert to help you navigate major money decisions

Empowering and Easy
Steward is easy to use, helped us make concrete changes to our tax and investment strategies, and empowered me to build my understanding of and take greater ownership over my family finances.
Grace H
Comfortable and Simplifying
Steward makes otherwise uneasy discussions of money much more comfortable. It significantly simplified the calculations that I would have to learn how to do on my own.
William G
Strategic and Actionable
 I know I wanted to start making the most of our money more strategically - but I really had no idea on where to get started.  This is exactly what I was looking for.
Allison G
North Carolina
These testimonials were provided by current clients of Steward, Inc. The clients were not compensated, nor are there material conflicts of interest that would affect the given testimonials. These testimonials may not be representative of the experiences of other clients, and do not provide a guarantee of future performance success or similar services.

Explore if we're a good mutual fit, with no cost or obligation, in 3 easy steps


Fit check

A quick call (<10 minutes) to describe our process for prospective clients a ensure we might be a good mutual fit.

Regardless of whether we're a fit, happy to point you in the right direction.


"Get Organized" Meeting

We interview you to understand your big picture - your questions, values, what you're trying to accomplish, and your current financial situation.

We do some upfront work for you with no charge, to determine if we can make a significant impact and for you to get a good sense of how we work.


"Family CFO" Meeting

We share a second opinion on your investments,  tax strategy, and prioritized financial actions you can take to move the needle for your family.

We'll only pursue working together if can add significant value and align with your needs.

Get started

Streamline complicated finances

Holistic and actionable strategies to help you take care of your family and live the life you choose

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What it costs

At Steward, we believe in fully disclosing all fees to our clients. We’ve legally committed in writing to put your interests first. We will never take kickbacks, commissions, push product on you, or take referral fees. In finance-speak, we are a fiduciary and fee-only.

What are you getting?
What are you paying?
We serve as your personal family CFO offering a holistic way to make the most of your money across:
(1) Investment Management
(2) Proactive Tax Strategy
(3) Financial Decisions (e.g., home, college, job changes)
Our fees start at 5,000 + 0.50% AUM per year, billed quarterly.

Your fees are based on the complexity and scope of your unique financial situation.
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The 1%'s wealth strategies
for your family

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