Executive summary
Money is personal and important. Sharing our core four values at Steward, so you can determine if we're a good values fit to work together:
(1) Do the right thing
(2) Speak in Plain-English
(3) Minimize hassle
(4) No shenanigans
Table of contents
Our 4 Values
Do the right thing
In coming to us for financial advice, you are entrusting us with a huge responsibility - helping you take care of your family. We take this responsibility to heart, and it even inspired our company name - Steward.
Our bar for each recommendation we make? We would and do make the same types of recommendations to our own friends and family. We "eat our own cooking" and treat you like family. This goes beyond thoughtful investing and tax strategies, to taking product design, customer service, and cybersecurity extremely seriously. Click here for more detail on how your information is kept safe.
Speak in Plain-English
Too much of the investing and wealth management industry relies on blinding clients with jargon, complicated equations, and techno speak. We're not here to scare you out of asking questions. The best sign of someone with true expertise, is finding someone who can help you find simplicity on the other side of complexity...explaining even the most sophisticated concepts in plain-English.
You deserve a clear, succinct, and quantified “why” behind any recommendation. You deserve jargon-free answers to your money questions. Even if it results in less business for us, because it’s the right thing to do.
Minimize hassle
We’re constantly hunting for ways to help you make more progress with less time and effort. Throwing you a giant binder of fine print that you’ll never touch again? Lazy. Sharing a few manageable steps you can knock out on a Sunday afternoon? Yes, more of that please.
The man who moves mountains, beings by carrying away small stones.

No shenanigans
Our first impression of the wealth management industry = sleazy. Seeing people take advantage of our hard-working friends and family got us riled up. So riled up...in fact, we started Steward. Steward will only ever take payment from you, and in turn Steward’s first and only priority will always be to care for you and put your best interests first.
We will never push products on you in return for commissions.
We will never sell your info to 3rd parties.
We will never bombard you with ads or credit offers.
And that means...we will also never promise you a tropical island over night. There are lots of overnight tragedies, but no overnight miracles. We’re in it with you for the long haul.
Do we share common values?
If (and only if!) it sound like we’re on the same page on values, we’d love to work together and help you to take care of your family.
Steward is a personalized to-do list for how, where and when to invest and save on taxes in plain-English, with minimal time and effort. Give it a try here.